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Licensed Remediation Specialist in West Virginia

As of September 23, 2020 I am a Licensed Remediation Specialist (LRS) for the State of West Virginia. Remediation of sites in the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program and UECA-LUST Program must be supervised by a Licensed Remediation Specialist (LRS). An LRS is an individual certified by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) as qualified to supervise the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites. Licensed Remediation Specialists must meet minimum education and experience requirements, pass an examination administered by the WVDEP, and obtain continuing education.

Posted on 01/18 at 12:28 PM in Email Story to a Friend

Monitoring of Groundwater and Surface Water Quality to Assess Impacts of Residential Development

Ten-year ongoing program of installation and sampling of surface water stations and monitoring wells to provide background water quality and potential impacts from construction activities of a large mixed use development in Chatham County, NC.  Monitoring program was developed and is being implemented in conformance with requirements of both Chatham County and the NC Division of Water Quality.  Installation of monitoring stations and sampling are periodically adjusted in accordance with past results and build-out of the development. 
Client: Newland Communities Briar Chapel.

Posted on 01/07 at 12:56 AM in Recently Completed JobsEmail Story to a Friend

Vadose zone monitoring and modeling of potential nitrate migration from biosolids application

Developed and implemented a system of vadose zone monitoring approved by the NC Division of Water Quality to evaluate the potential migration of nitrate below the root zone following the permitted resumption of biosolids to agricultural fields after a 12 year non-application period.  Instrumented three representative fields using Decagon G3 Drain Gages™ to collect deep percolation for NO3 analyses at depths of approximately 2 feet and 8 feet, supplemented by matric potential and moisture content monitoring to detect downward moisture movement.  In the interval between the Drain Gages.  Water collected in the drain gages, matric potential and moisture content are recorded on an hourly basis using field data loggers. 
Client: City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department.

Posted on 01/07 at 12:52 AM in Recently Completed JobsEmail Story to a Friend

Protocol Sampling Service, Inc.
environmental services in Raleigh, NC and beyond

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